Monday, March 28, 2011

What I have done so far in Genius Bar

In genius bar I have worked on fixing all the problems in the district that Mr.Hiller has sent me to work on. I have gone all around the district running errands for Mr.Hiller and going to the the Middle School working on the computer problems that occur there. I have gone to Mrs.Brown's room and added a new account to the computers in her room so that way she wouldn't have to reset the command key for the speech command on the computer. Also I have gone to Mrs.Sovie's room and installed a new computer for her and copied a account on it from another computer in her room. I went to the Elementary School and fixed all the computers that were in the computer lab. For the rest of the year I will continue on working on any problems that arise in the district and any that Mr.Hiller sends me on. Also while I am not working on any tasks that Mr.Hiller has given me I will work on any homework from different classes.

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